7x Micro Fishing Tapered Leaders – 2 Pack of 9-Foot Leaders
🐟 Ultimate Stealth for Spooky Micros – Perfect for Tenkara & Telescopic Rods
When micro fish get spooky — whether it’s in clear creeks, shallow ponds, or quiet backwaters — you need a leader that’s fine enough to disappear, but still strong enough to handle the fight. That’s exactly why we offer these 7x Micro Fishing Tapered Leaders.
Measuring 9 feet long and tapering to a delicate 2.5 lb test tip, these leaders give you the softest, stealthiest presentation possible. Perfect for tiny flies, micro jigs, and even weightless baits, they’re the go-to choice for fishing shiners, darters, and chubs, especially in ultra-clear water.
🔹 What Makes These Leaders Special
✔️ Two 9-foot tapered leaders per pack – One to fish, one to spare.
✔️ Stealthy 7x taper – Invisible in the water, even to the shyest fish.
✔️ 2.5 lb test tip – Strong enough for micros, fine enough for finesse work. Perfect for hooks smaller than size #20.
✔️ Pre-tied loop – Connect directly to a telescopic rod tip, lillian string, or quick connect.
✔️ Works perfectly with pre-snelled micro hooks – Just add a quick connect and you’re fishing.
🎣 How to Rig Your 7x Tapered Leader
Direct to Rod Setup (Simple & Fast)
- Tie the loop directly to your telescopic rod tip.
- Clip on a quick connect and attach a pre-snelled micro hook.
- Add a micro float if needed, bait up, and go fishing.
Finesse Setup with Extra Tippet
- Tie the loop to your rod tip or lillian string.
- Use a blood knot to add an even finer tippet (1 lb or 2 lb if you want ultra-stealth).
- Attach your hook using a quick connect or a loop-to-loop knot.
- This setup gives you the ultimate finesse presentation for crystal clear water or wary micros.
🐟 Ideal for Targeting These Species
✔️ True Micros (Under 8 Inches)
- Swamp Darter (Etheostoma fusiforme)
- Tidewater Silverside (Menidia beryllina)
- Blacknose Shiner (Notropis heterolepis)
- Rainwater Killifish (Lucania parva)
- Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis)
✔️ Colorful & Popular Sunfish (Still Under 8 Inches)
- Dollar Sunfish (Lepomis marginatus)
- Pumpkinseed Sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus)
- Blue Spotted Sunfish (Enneacanthus gloriosus)
- Redspotted Sunfish (Lepomis miniatus)
- Longear Sunfish (Lepomis megalotis)
✔️ Shiners & Micro Baitfish (All Under 8 Inches)
- Golden Shiner (Notemigonus crysoleucas)** – juvenile size
- Spotfin Shiner (Cyprinella spiloptera)
- Rosyface Shiner (Notropis rubellus)
- Coastal Shiner (Notropis petersoni)
- Blacktail Shiner (Cyprinella venusta)
✔️ Invasive Tropicals (Micro Fishing Favorites & Aquarium-Ready)
- Mayan Cichlid (Mayaheros urophthalmus)
- Jewel Cichlid (Hemichromis bimaculatus)
- Spotted Tilapia (Pelmatolapia mariae)
- Black Acara (Cichlasoma bimaculatum)
- Sailfin Molly (Poecilia latipinna)
🌊 Designed for True Micros — But Tough Enough for Small Sunfish & Cichlids
Whether you’re stalking darters in a shaded creek, chasing shiners along a grassy bank, or dipping a bait for colorful cichlids in Florida canals, these leaders get you closer to the fish without spooking them.
📦 What’s in the Pack
- Two 9-foot 7x tapered leaders
- Ready to fish right out of the pack
- Ships from Rexburg, Idaho
- Free shipping within the USA
- International shipping: 21-28 days
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